Showing posts with label Setting Goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Setting Goals. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2012

Your Frame – Your Future

We frame pictures. This limits and draws our attention to focus on what is inside that frame. Logically this makes sense, it is what we are trying to achieve. Framing our future is critical for our focus and ultimately for our success. The bad news is that if the frame that we place around our future is too small, we will never discover or accomplish the highest level of success.


Here is the good news – we control the size of our frame. Successful people in business, top performing athletes, and even rock stars never allow their frame to be too narrow. When their current picture is nearing capacity of the frame, they reach for more, they expand the frame. Many top performers develop the attitude that they are most comfortable when they are expanding the frame and feel discomfort when they are operating in the status quo.

Is the size of your frame fluid? Does it flow and expand, or do you get delayed (achieve less) with finding comfort in the status quo? 

Monday, July 02, 2012

Values That Fit!

Goals and values represent foundational elements for your success. Here is the question you should be asking yourself, “Do my values fit within the framework of the path necessary to achieve my goals?”


Non-profits or for-profits, social work or investment banking, traditional construction or building green, harvesting trees or growing them, many people could make arguments for either side. What are your values? Do they align with your path for success?

Success and abundance are not always measured through money. Many experts believe that your passion is the foundation for your success. Values that don’t align or fit within the framework of your goals will cause confusion. Confusion causes hesitation, and hesitation may create fear. Fear is one of the roadblocks in the way of your success.

What are your values? Do they fit within the framework of your current path?



Thursday, May 31, 2012

Growing or Shrinking?

Some people change and grow. They get more mature, have better thoughts, healthier habits, and improved social skills.


Some people change and regress. They go back to poor habits, they lose faith in their ability to achieve, they lose hope, and they get worse as a person.

Are you growing or shrinking? There are three simple steps to keep you focusing on growth, they are:

  1. Accurately self-assess
  2. Focus on positive past accomplishments and outcomes
  3. Be self-disciplined and commit to role modeling positive behaviors

There is a distinct difference between those who achieve more through growth, and those who regress and revert back to poorer performance or regressed habits.

Are you growing?



Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Worth It

“I ordered the buffet at the restaurant yesterday and it was worth it.”

“I stayed at the more expensive hotel and it was worth it.”

“I went to the gym and worked out even though I didn’t feel like it and it was worth it.”

Do you see a pattern to this way of thinking? I do – and I would like to make the suggestion that everyone in every circumstance has value, they have worth.

If you are pursuing a pay raise or a job promotion, don’t settle for less because you are worth it. If you are facing challenging decisions in your personal life, don’t settle for less because you are worth it. If are working on your dream job, or your dream career, don’t change your game plan or make poor choices, because you are worth it.

Make your life a success story. YOU - are worth it!