Showing posts with label workplace attitudes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workplace attitudes. Show all posts

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Positive Impact

“You have a bad attitude!”

In our lives we all have some responsibility for our attitude. Nearly every day someone, a client, a workshop participant, or even someone in a retail establishment will mention to me the negativity that they feel from other people. We all make decisions everyday and one of the most important decisions we can make is our outlook on what today will bring. Our attitude and how we approach other people often has a lot to do with how our day will turn out.


“I was fine until I saw Adam!”

We often place blame on others around us; and frankly, yes, those people could have something to do with our negativity. What if we role reverse the scenario? Who is to blame?

Every day we have an opportunity, we have an opportunity to have a positive impact on people. Make an impact, make a ripple, and spread out positive energy to those around you!

Will you have a positive impact today?


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Conscientious Employee

Conscientiousness in the workplace is a valuable competency. Conscientious employees typically demonstrate their competence by paying attention to details, anticipating what is next, and being very self-disciplined in their approach. These employees typically uphold the organizations standards, they tend to stay out of trouble and have very high levels of integrity. Conscientious employees are great!


It seems that everything about conscientious employees would be very desirable for any organization. However, in some cases there are some drawbacks. On the not-so-good side of the scale they may develop a tendency to be overly critical of other co-workers. Co-workers whose standards are not set so high. These co-workers may be fully performing employees, just not star performers.

When conscientiousness develops into a relentless pursuit of perfection and judgment on those who are not so conscientious it can lead to a decline in workplace morale and creativity. Morale can suffer with both the highly conscientious employees and the not-so-conscientious employees. Job roles that require more flexibility and creativeness may also develop performance problems. Examples of  job roles or areas that often suffer include sales, research and development, and marketing. Workplace leaders should carefully consider the dynamics of their organization and work hard to help themselves and other employees find the correct balance of conscientiousness.


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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Contagious Attitudes

Staying motivated during challenging economic times is the responsibility of all employees. Organization supervisors (supervisors, managers, directors, etc.) need to be conscious of the signals they are sending. Body language, tone, small jokes, and other communication signals may unveil some supervisor’s inner most feelings during these times. Many workers will follow the style and attitude of the boss. Workers believe that if it is okay for the boss then it must be okay for me as well. Being disciplined and enthusiastic can be challenging but it is essential for leadership and organization success. How is the energy and enthusiasm at your workplace?