Friday, January 07, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

How are high impact decisions made in within your team or workplace? Decision making often seems like a straight forward activity and one that leaders typically manage with authority. Does this result in the best decisions? Going one step further team or organization leadership will often express that it was a “team” decision, or sell the outcomes by suggesting that “everyone” agrees. Is this how it really works?


While every decision and every workplace will have its own unique circumstances here are a few things to observe the next time you see decision making in action:

  • Does the behavior align with the words
  • Is feedback utilized, or is it only presented
  • Is input truly considered, or is it only propaganda

Many workplace leaders feel that they include and utilize others when making high impact decisions, however in many cases their ideas and conclusions are predetermined and the process of including others may just be an exercise to create buy-in. It often appears that many well meaning leaders do not realize the impact of their behaviors and words on the process.

Have you considered how you manage high impact decisions? How are high impact decisions made in your workplace?

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