Monday, May 14, 2012

Always Changing

We get bored with the “same old – same old” so we change. We face a conflict or controversy so we do something different the next time by changing. We learn about a new product or service that peaks our interest and we try it, so we have changed.


High achievers reach for change, they get excited about change, and they do something that others don’t – they find energy and motivation in change. Often bored with the status quo they innovate. They don’t procrastinate or hesitate, instead they get things started by doing something great.

Successful people change, not by force, but by desire.

When was your last change?



  1. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Didn't someone say "you have to change to stay the same?"

    So life is about change. Yes?

    1. I certainly believe life is about change. Since when I was a young adult, I can see significant changes if I look back in 5 year segments. I think the key to being successful is being at the front change, rather than at the back of the pack trying to catch up. Do you believe life is about change?

    2. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Not really. I think life is about growth. Becoming more by letting go of what's not working and doing more of what is.

      Change is about becoming different; we are who we are ... we simply molt as we grow.

      Substitute "growth" for "change" see how that works for you.

    3. Interesting thoughts - change vs. growth. If you are growing aren't you also changing?

    4. Anonymous10:56 AM

      An acorn becomes a plant then a tree. Did it change or grow?

      Become different or simply evolve ... something to ponder. Yes?

      Thanks for the Good conversation!

    5. I would like to suggest that the tree did change, but it still may be a tree. So people are still people, but their character, actions, decisions, choices, etc. may change. Most of all their knowledge, skills, and abilities may change. Thanks for the great post responses. Thought provoking!

    6. Anonymous5:17 PM

      I was reading a book -- Simple Abundance -- by Sarah Ban Breathnach and came across this quote:

      "We all change as we grow (that's how we know we're growing.)"

      What a great quote and way to complete this wonderful conversation! Thought I'd share it.

    7. That is a great quote!
