Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Good Fight

People are people. People exist, function, and build character based in-part on their emotionally triggered behaviors. People get frustrated with other people. Sadly, some people serve as road blocks, inhibiting others on their way to a better place.


People may fight you, not physically but emotionally, intellectually, or through the power they may have over you either in your job or other manifestations of your life. Fight the good fight; don’t let these temporary roadblocks inhibit your path to your greater destiny. Your ultimate destiny is in front of you, but you choose the path of greatness or mediocrity. Remember you are in-charge.

Nearly every successful person I come in contact with has a story, a story of the good fight.

What is your story?



  1. I'm still learning that keeping the gloves on just weighs me down. I need to let go when there is a reason to fight. And that's not always easy when you've been treated unfairly by a boss, co-worker, neighbor, spouse, etc.

    Your best punch is to choose to forgive.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      I agree! Why fight? Good Fight or Bad Fight, fighting is exhausting!

      Remember Rule #2: Do unto others as you'd do to your self. Forgive. Learn the lesson. Grow from it. Move on.

      For all that appears an obstacle, Bless it for the lesson within it and having done its work and let whatever it is become free to prosper elsewhere. In return you'll free your self to prosper as well.

      Be a Lover not a fighter!

    2. I have always felt that if something is blocking your path - move around it. I once had a boss tell me - "hey Dennis, life isn't fair" and maybe not, but we have choices. I like your comment "Your best punch is to choose to forgive." and I agree.

  2. Anonymous11:53 AM

    If your post is about overcoming obstacles, I get your point.

    But I don't believe there is such a thing as a Good Fight. Just look up the synonyms for "fight" and see if any of those are good...

    We need more LOVE in this world, not fighting of any kind.

    Dennis, sorry to strongly disagree with you on this one. You touched on a subject where I have deep feelings.

    Thank you for bringing about this good discussion and the opportunity to learn, to share, and to grow.

    1. Yes, absolutey about overcoming obstacles! :)

  3. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Words have power. Our words define and shape us and the world around us.

    1. Thanks for the posts! Glad this reached into the heart and soul of a few folks. The intent of the post is not to "fight" anyone. It is about perseverance, it is about not letting obstacles hold you back. Sometimes there are people who surround us who would rather we fail, and not succeed. Not because they have a personal stake in our success but because they lack the initiative and strength to become successful themselves (misery loves company). Fighting the good fight to me means that we are fighting the negative forces that are trying to hold us back. Not directly but by continuing to push forward regardless of the obstacles. Certainly this post has meant different things to different people, that is great! Thanks again for your insightful thoughts!

  4. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Write about perseverance and then about obstacles when you get a chance. You are a good teacher; easy to understand.

    Perserverance always makes me think of "Rocky" or the "Little Engine That Could." But should life be so challenging so often?

    I believe we create our own obstacles in life? It's by not seeing what's before us as opportunities. Thoughts?

    Someday share your thoughts on these two life concepts.

    ps: this blog is a great place for learning about life! Keep up the great work! I've learned much.
