Do you want a pay raise, job promotion, or better personal (or professional) relationships? How do you know if you are worth it?
Discovering worth is not that difficult, the real challenge exists in the risk. You will never achieve the success you are seeking without risk. Play it safe or stick with the status quo and nothing will change.
You can discover your worth through three easy steps:
- Honestly assess your goals. Your goals should be a stretch but realistic, they should represent the gap between your current worth and where you (realistically) see yourself in the future.
- Seek and LISTEN to feedback (coaching) from people you trust and respect.
- Recognize that every opportunity doesn’t mean it is “the” opportunity. Practice patience.
Overstating or understating your worth, dishonesty about who you are, and unrealistic expectations are often a problem. Stretching is good, but fraudulent representations by you, about you, or by someone else on your behalf will likely result in disaster. Properly managed your worth will continue to grow.
Remember you are worth it!
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