Showing posts with label Persistence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Persistence. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Shortcuts and Quick Fixes

It often seems that everyone is looking for a shortcut or a quick fix. Your future success probably will not come to fruition through a shortcut or a quick fix. That is the bad news.

Focus004(Deg Photo)

Here is the good news. Having an appropriate focus can help you achieve the next step on your path. You can develop a better focus through three simple steps:

  1. What has been successful for you up to this point? Do more of that!
  2. What haven’t you tried because it feels too risky? Explore more of that!
  3. Use these two questions to hone your focus and stay the course, be persistent!

Typically there are no shortcuts or quick fixes. Persistence will get you through the next step and beyond!



Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Excuses or Results?

The brutal truth is that not everyone is cut out to obtain the success that they dream about. In some cases they may have unrealistic expectations and in other cases they just don’t remain focused and committed to their dream. Setbacks are commonplace and may require adjustments in the plan but success still can be achieved.


On your path to success results are what matter the most. Assessing the past is important, but often people drift into the blame game or make excuses for their shortcomings as they consider past experiences. You should only carry forward the lessons that you learned and not dwell on uncomfortable or embarrassing past performance.

Three critical factors separate those with excuses from those with results:

  1. visualization
  2. patience
  3. persistence

Are you on the path and committed to achieving your success?

Are you making excuses or getting results?


Thursday, September 06, 2012

Persistence or Luck?

Luck may be an opportunity, an opportunity that is seized and something wonderful results, or it may be an opportunity wasted that dwindles away and is never recognized for the possibilities that existed. Worse yet, it may result in something unfavorable and become labeled as bad luck.


Persistence is what makes the difference for most people during their “luck” encounters. Those who discover an opportunity unfolding and make a commitment to the pursuit of that opportunity often may find others labeling their success as luck.

Some argue that they never have any luck. Others argue that we all have about the same amount of luck, but it is what we do with those opportunities that make the difference. Not everyone will win the lottery, not everyone will get the same opportunities, but it seems that those who are the most unlucky are those who are committed to nothing.

Be persistent in your pursuit, stick with it, push hard, be committed, and most of all – give luck a chance!


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Visualize to Thrive!

Olympic athletes do it, professional football players do it, golfers do it, and you can do it too!


Imagine yourself thriving in your success! Whether it is finishing school and getting that first “real” job, starting a family, or earning a sizable paycheck, if you visualize yourself in that successful place and are persistent you can get there.

Time and time again I hear stories and relate to my own personal experiences where visualization has been one of the factors that contributed to a successful performance. Many factors will contribute to your success and part of the commitment and persistence comes through visualization. Picture yourself with the improved time, walking in the door to start your new job, or shaking the hand of your boss as you receive acknowledgment for a job well done!

Visualize your end result, be persistent in your pursuit – success is in your future!



Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Believing Matters

Someone recently asked me: “What is the single biggest thing that makes a difference between those that achieve the success that they desire when compared to those who do not?”


Two significant thoughts immediately came to my mind. One is persistence; most do not obtain the level of success that they seek easily. It takes great effort and the ability to endure hardship while also overcoming adverse conditions.

The other is belief. Belief that you belong and that you are worthy and deserving of the level of success you desire.

Are you prepared to be persistent? Do you believe?


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Balancing Commitments and Delivery

Assertive employees often raise their hand for new assignments, additional workload, and the opportunity to show their worth. They seek new challenges and expect to deliver; they picture themselves holding up the end result like a trophy and everyone congratulating them for a job well done. This sometimes happens and they become fast-trackers, moving onward and upward faster than anyone could imagine.


What about the others?

Others are sometimes assertive on the front side, they crave opportunities, they willingly offer to take on new tasks and assignments, but the bad news is, they seldom deliver. Perhaps it is over commitment, or a very limited span of attention. Perhaps it is their need for the feeling of belonging, of being visible, or being valued by the group. Sadly their promises often fall short of expectations and the people, teams, and even the entire organization feel let down and dissatisfied.

If this is you, an overcommitted and stressed out employee armed with good intentions but lacking the time and resources to deliver, there is good news. Control your urge to over commit by realizing that it isn’t what you volunteer for that counts, it is what you deliver. Find the balance between commitments and your ability to deliver.

The fast-tracker already figured this out!



Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Persistent – Going Beyond Average

We know about averages because we have high performers and low performers. Somewhere near the middle of those two extremes we have the average performers.


People often talk about what could have been, what they knew would work but they never tried, and what they tried but because luck was against them it didn’t work. Let’s face it, not everything will work on the first try, and some things that we try may never work; but successful people are persistent.

Persistence often makes the difference between those that achieve something great and those that settle for mediocrity. While some people may be very happy with being average, many are looking at the top achievers and feeling envy. Those who are average but want to be more are often limited by their focus. Their focus is on being average, not achieving greatness.

If you are an average performer who wants more, stop just doing enough to get by. Being on top doesn’t come easily; persistence and focus make the difference between high achievers and average performers.

Look around – are you average? What are you doing about it?