Showing posts with label abundance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abundance. Show all posts

Monday, August 06, 2012

No Money

Success may sometimes be associated with a collection of money or material objects. Some may believe that the definition of success is wealth, measured by financial resources. This may be true for some, but many people measure success in a much different way. It may be having a family, a modest home, and the ability to earn an honest living. Still others may be striving for personal improvements such as obtaining a college degree, participating in various sports related activities, or making a career shift.


While there may be many factors associated with finding your success the following four I believe are most relevant:

  1. Inspiration
  2. Motivation
  3. Commitment
  4. Persistence

You can summarize these four factors with one word – passion. Money is important, but my belief is that no amount of money can replace true passion.

What is your passion?


Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Discovering Worth

Do you want a pay raise, job promotion, or better personal (or professional) relationships? How do you know if you are worth it?


Discovering worth is not that difficult, the real challenge exists in the risk. You will never achieve the success you are seeking without risk. Play it safe or stick with the status quo and nothing will change.

You can discover your worth through three easy steps:

  1. Honestly assess your goals. Your goals should be a stretch but realistic, they should represent the gap between your current worth and where you (realistically) see yourself in the future.
  2. Seek and LISTEN to feedback (coaching) from people you trust and respect.
  3. Recognize that every opportunity doesn’t mean it is “the” opportunity. Practice patience.

Overstating or understating your worth, dishonesty about who you are, and unrealistic expectations are often a problem. Stretching is good, but fraudulent representations by you, about you, or by someone else on your behalf will likely result in disaster. Properly managed your worth will continue to grow.

Remember you are worth it!



Monday, July 02, 2012

Values That Fit!

Goals and values represent foundational elements for your success. Here is the question you should be asking yourself, “Do my values fit within the framework of the path necessary to achieve my goals?”


Non-profits or for-profits, social work or investment banking, traditional construction or building green, harvesting trees or growing them, many people could make arguments for either side. What are your values? Do they align with your path for success?

Success and abundance are not always measured through money. Many experts believe that your passion is the foundation for your success. Values that don’t align or fit within the framework of your goals will cause confusion. Confusion causes hesitation, and hesitation may create fear. Fear is one of the roadblocks in the way of your success.

What are your values? Do they fit within the framework of your current path?



Monday, June 25, 2012

Create Opportunities

“The early bird gets the worm.”

Many of us have heard this and some of us have shared this as an analogy, but how many of us are looking for more opportunities? Many people are looking for more opportunities; opportunities for sales, financial freedom, or for new levels of personal or professional success.


Based on news reports and evidence based analysis many would likely agree that the world economy is shifting. This isn’t the bad news, it is the good news. A shifting economy creates change, change creates more opportunities.

Do you want more good news? Opportunities are created when we are persistent in our efforts and work both smart and hard. Simply put, being persistent and engaged in our pursuit of continued success creates more exposure for our desired outcomes. More exposure creates more opportunities.

Do you want more opportunities? Create them!



Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Success and Abundance

Success and abundance have something in common. What one person considers success another may not. Creating abundance may not be different than creating success, it may simply mean creating an oversupply.


Our mind is a powerful tool. As a society many people thrive on the drama, the negativity, and all that is wrong instead of focusing on all that is positive and good. We turn on the news, we check our social media applications, and we listen to friends. Often we hear bad news and we read and hear negative and energy zapping complaints.

Can we train our brain? I believe the answer is yes. Chemical reactions in our brain play a role in how we respond to situations, especially in the areas of happiness and stress. Flood your brain with what you have accomplished, think about it often, refresh and wipe out negatives with positives.

Success, you define it, abundance you create it!