Showing posts with label Success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Success. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Shortcuts and Quick Fixes

It often seems that everyone is looking for a shortcut or a quick fix. Your future success probably will not come to fruition through a shortcut or a quick fix. That is the bad news.

Focus004(Deg Photo)

Here is the good news. Having an appropriate focus can help you achieve the next step on your path. You can develop a better focus through three simple steps:

  1. What has been successful for you up to this point? Do more of that!
  2. What haven’t you tried because it feels too risky? Explore more of that!
  3. Use these two questions to hone your focus and stay the course, be persistent!

Typically there are no shortcuts or quick fixes. Persistence will get you through the next step and beyond!



Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Excuses or Results?

The brutal truth is that not everyone is cut out to obtain the success that they dream about. In some cases they may have unrealistic expectations and in other cases they just don’t remain focused and committed to their dream. Setbacks are commonplace and may require adjustments in the plan but success still can be achieved.


On your path to success results are what matter the most. Assessing the past is important, but often people drift into the blame game or make excuses for their shortcomings as they consider past experiences. You should only carry forward the lessons that you learned and not dwell on uncomfortable or embarrassing past performance.

Three critical factors separate those with excuses from those with results:

  1. visualization
  2. patience
  3. persistence

Are you on the path and committed to achieving your success?

Are you making excuses or getting results?


Thursday, September 06, 2012

Persistence or Luck?

Luck may be an opportunity, an opportunity that is seized and something wonderful results, or it may be an opportunity wasted that dwindles away and is never recognized for the possibilities that existed. Worse yet, it may result in something unfavorable and become labeled as bad luck.


Persistence is what makes the difference for most people during their “luck” encounters. Those who discover an opportunity unfolding and make a commitment to the pursuit of that opportunity often may find others labeling their success as luck.

Some argue that they never have any luck. Others argue that we all have about the same amount of luck, but it is what we do with those opportunities that make the difference. Not everyone will win the lottery, not everyone will get the same opportunities, but it seems that those who are the most unlucky are those who are committed to nothing.

Be persistent in your pursuit, stick with it, push hard, be committed, and most of all – give luck a chance!


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Visualize to Thrive!

Olympic athletes do it, professional football players do it, golfers do it, and you can do it too!


Imagine yourself thriving in your success! Whether it is finishing school and getting that first “real” job, starting a family, or earning a sizable paycheck, if you visualize yourself in that successful place and are persistent you can get there.

Time and time again I hear stories and relate to my own personal experiences where visualization has been one of the factors that contributed to a successful performance. Many factors will contribute to your success and part of the commitment and persistence comes through visualization. Picture yourself with the improved time, walking in the door to start your new job, or shaking the hand of your boss as you receive acknowledgment for a job well done!

Visualize your end result, be persistent in your pursuit – success is in your future!



Monday, August 13, 2012

What You Expect

Do you get what you expect? Sometimes we get exactly what we expect.


Consider the outcomes for persons who may make one of the following statements:

  • I just want to pass the test.
  • I don’t care what I do as long as I have a job.
  • I can’t lose any weight.

Certainly not everyone wants to, or will be, the top performer in any particular situation, but those who strive for more often get more. Their expectations are supported by their efforts, they achieve more or reach a higher standard because they expect more. It is easy to say we want more, or wish we had done better, but often our own expectations guide the level of result that we achieve.

Another look:

  • If I complete all the assigned work and study hard I will get an “A” on the test.
  • If I learn more, work hard, and gain additional experience I will advance to a higher position at work.
  • If I exercise more and avoid my cravings for apple pie I will lose at least 3 pounds this month.

Our expectations condition the outcomes. Positive and results driven thoughts are what make the difference between those who dream of more, and those who achieve more.

Are you getting what you expect?



Monday, August 06, 2012

No Money

Success may sometimes be associated with a collection of money or material objects. Some may believe that the definition of success is wealth, measured by financial resources. This may be true for some, but many people measure success in a much different way. It may be having a family, a modest home, and the ability to earn an honest living. Still others may be striving for personal improvements such as obtaining a college degree, participating in various sports related activities, or making a career shift.


While there may be many factors associated with finding your success the following four I believe are most relevant:

  1. Inspiration
  2. Motivation
  3. Commitment
  4. Persistence

You can summarize these four factors with one word – passion. Money is important, but my belief is that no amount of money can replace true passion.

What is your passion?


Monday, July 23, 2012

Your Frame – Your Future

We frame pictures. This limits and draws our attention to focus on what is inside that frame. Logically this makes sense, it is what we are trying to achieve. Framing our future is critical for our focus and ultimately for our success. The bad news is that if the frame that we place around our future is too small, we will never discover or accomplish the highest level of success.


Here is the good news – we control the size of our frame. Successful people in business, top performing athletes, and even rock stars never allow their frame to be too narrow. When their current picture is nearing capacity of the frame, they reach for more, they expand the frame. Many top performers develop the attitude that they are most comfortable when they are expanding the frame and feel discomfort when they are operating in the status quo.

Is the size of your frame fluid? Does it flow and expand, or do you get delayed (achieve less) with finding comfort in the status quo? 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Expect to be Tested

Learning new behaviors or replacing bad habits with good isn’t necessarily that difficult. Making them stick sometimes can be.


Depending on your tolerance for relapse or your level of confidence sometimes small setbacks can feel like change failure. Nearly everyone exploring something new or reaching for higher levels of achievement will face unexpected setbacks.

The good news is that just like reaching for more you can also condition your response to the unexpected. Expect the unexpected. Expect to face some relapse or setbacks. Expect to be tested. When you expect to face challenges and you are prepared to push through them suddenly it seems to feel like part of your fate, your destiny.  These “tests” prepare you for the next phase of your journey.

Will you pass the test?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

When Wishing Isn’t Enough

People sometimes wish, spiritual people sometimes pray, but successful people will find their path regardless of the obstacle. There is nothing wrong with extending a good wish, nothing wrong with prayer, but at the same time there are often forces that are both unknown and uncontrollable that leads you to a different outcome.


Most likely you will not find success in the status quo. There are no secret formulas and no magic potions. When the path develops into something unexpected successful people may wish, and they may pray, but they will definitely face the obstacles head on, take risks, and make the best possible choices.

When your path takes an unexpected turn – what will you do?



Monday, July 09, 2012

Discipline Delivers

Achieving success requires discipline. People often start off great, they are dedicated, enthusiastic and goal oriented. Along the way things sometimes start to change, they get off track, accomplishments fail to reach expectations, they become discouraged and even the smallest success starts to wane and ultimately they give up.


Here is the good news, you can discover more discipline and persevere through five simple steps:

  1. Recognize and accept the gap between where you are now and where you want to be
  2. Assess the steps required to close the gap
  3. Visualize accomplishing each step
  4. Evaluate progress by measuring accomplishments not short comings
  5. Be flexible in your approach – make changes as necessary to keep moving forward

Desire to achieve the goal is critical for discipline. If you want something you have to reach for it, often pushing beyond your comfort zone in order to achieve it.

Success is knocking at your door, it arrives via delivery, the driver is discipline.



Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Discovering Worth

Do you want a pay raise, job promotion, or better personal (or professional) relationships? How do you know if you are worth it?


Discovering worth is not that difficult, the real challenge exists in the risk. You will never achieve the success you are seeking without risk. Play it safe or stick with the status quo and nothing will change.

You can discover your worth through three easy steps:

  1. Honestly assess your goals. Your goals should be a stretch but realistic, they should represent the gap between your current worth and where you (realistically) see yourself in the future.
  2. Seek and LISTEN to feedback (coaching) from people you trust and respect.
  3. Recognize that every opportunity doesn’t mean it is “the” opportunity. Practice patience.

Overstating or understating your worth, dishonesty about who you are, and unrealistic expectations are often a problem. Stretching is good, but fraudulent representations by you, about you, or by someone else on your behalf will likely result in disaster. Properly managed your worth will continue to grow.

Remember you are worth it!



Monday, July 02, 2012

Values That Fit!

Goals and values represent foundational elements for your success. Here is the question you should be asking yourself, “Do my values fit within the framework of the path necessary to achieve my goals?”


Non-profits or for-profits, social work or investment banking, traditional construction or building green, harvesting trees or growing them, many people could make arguments for either side. What are your values? Do they align with your path for success?

Success and abundance are not always measured through money. Many experts believe that your passion is the foundation for your success. Values that don’t align or fit within the framework of your goals will cause confusion. Confusion causes hesitation, and hesitation may create fear. Fear is one of the roadblocks in the way of your success.

What are your values? Do they fit within the framework of your current path?



Monday, June 25, 2012

Create Opportunities

“The early bird gets the worm.”

Many of us have heard this and some of us have shared this as an analogy, but how many of us are looking for more opportunities? Many people are looking for more opportunities; opportunities for sales, financial freedom, or for new levels of personal or professional success.


Based on news reports and evidence based analysis many would likely agree that the world economy is shifting. This isn’t the bad news, it is the good news. A shifting economy creates change, change creates more opportunities.

Do you want more good news? Opportunities are created when we are persistent in our efforts and work both smart and hard. Simply put, being persistent and engaged in our pursuit of continued success creates more exposure for our desired outcomes. More exposure creates more opportunities.

Do you want more opportunities? Create them!



Thursday, June 21, 2012

Confidence Required

This may seem very apparent but have you ever noticed that successful people have higher levels of self-confidence? In many cases they may analyze choices, options, and strategy in a completely obsessive manner but regardless they still have confidence.


Is this a chicken and the egg scenario? Which comes first?

Self-confidence is typically considered to be made up of two primary factors, self-efficacy and self-esteem. Lower levels of one or both factors will result in a lower level of confidence. Here is the good news – both factors can be developed. You are not born with a fixed or predetermined level of self-confidence.

Do you want to improve your self-confidence? Here are two easy ways to get you on the right track:

  1. Visualize your future, plan, prepare, be realistic and think about small wins on your way to your goal
  2. Defeat negative self-talk, promise yourself you are committed to your success, surround yourself with positive people and thoughts

Successful people are confident. They have healthy amounts of both self-efficacy and self-esteem. They are balanced.

Do you have the confidence required?

Don’t think it - know it, get it, grow it!



Monday, June 18, 2012

Move Fast!

Our economy is shifting, like it or not things are changing. Arguments continue about the state of the economy in the United States but one factor that appears consistent is that successful businesses and people are changing.


I work with business that are doing great, and those who are not doing so great. My informal survey of this sample suggests that those who are doing great are moving fast. They are capitalizing on what works and abandoning what doesn’t. They are planning and calculated, not irresponsible. They are committed to not being satisfied with the status quo.

It seems that successful endeavors, and the people who manage, own, or otherwise operate them, are masters at analyzing the opportunity cost. As individuals we have that same opportunity. Our ability to assess our environment, recognize the opportunity cost, and make fast but calculated changes help us get on the path to success. Things are changing fast, too fast to hesitate.

If you want to improve from the past, be calculated but move fast!



Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Take Chances

“I didn’t stand a chance!”

How often have you heard this phrase? How often have you said it? Most people would likely agree on the meaning of this phrase to be - given a particular opportunity there was absolutely no possible way to win or be successful.


Many people lack the self-confidence to take risks. They view the risk associated with chance, as too risky. They see the opportunities in front of them as a disaster, a dead end, or something that they will never attain. If you try nothing new, take no risk, see opportunities through the lens of “I don’t stand a chance,” then guess what? You will never know the amount of success you could have achieved.

Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame has a motto, “Move fast and break things.” Apparently this motto was adopted as a core value in the organization. A core value which ultimately may have helped them achieve such high levels of success. They took chances, and so can you.

Risk isn’t for everyone, then again, neither is success. Are you taking chances?



Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Take the Stairs

It’s sadly amazing the number of people that I talk with who tell me they want more, they want a better job and more success, yet they feel they are not worthy of achieving it. I hear every excuse about what “might happen” or “what if this happens” and I hear very little “I’m going to make it happen.”


Here is the good news, these are normal thoughts for many people and success is just a few steps away. If you can dream it, if you can see it, you can start on the path to getting there. Here are five simple steps to help you get there:

  1. discover your dream
  2. plan the steps to get there
  3. start taking steps, reasonable risks 
  4. constantly exceed your expectations
  5. reflect on accomplishments and push for more

Like a ladder or stairs, the steps should be reasonably separated allowing you to move from one step to the next without a big jump. In contrast to this analogy, life or your career may not always present opportunities in equal increments. Some steps may be more of a stretch then others. This is where risk and reflection will be important factors in your success.

I like taking the stairs – do you?


Monday, June 11, 2012

The Grocery Store and Success

One of the chores I dislike the most is grocery shopping. A failure for planning what to buy and what meals to prepare leaves me open for a disastrous shopping experience. My dislike to for the experience positions me to want to move fast and make quick choices. My lack of planning often opens me up to be forgetful and leave the store without something I desperately needed. I know the solution to this problem. It is better planning and an appropriate pace, it is the discipline to want to overcome the negative outcomes and have a positive shopping experience.


Success in our personal or professional careers may be an analogy to the grocery store experience. The good news is that there is a solution to achieving success. It requires planning and an appropriate pace. Knowing the desired end result and creating a plan for a path to get there is important. Pursuing that path at an appropriate pace is also critical. Going too fast we may burn out early. Going too slow may limit our options, or we may find the doors closed as we approach a desired milestone.

Approaching your life and career unprepared and without a plan could limit your success.

What is your plan?



Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Who Are You?

What is your elevator speech? You know that short paragraph or expressions that describes who you are and what you do. 


Do you know who you are? Sometimes your inability to define who you are is not only a matter of not being up-to-date on your elevator speech, but it is a matter of understanding yourself.

Right now, I am asking you, “Who are you?” In our personal or professional lives we sometimes feel forced to be the person that someone else wants us to be. Worse yet we sometimes allow ourselves to become “invisible.” We become so introverted (introversion is not necessarily bad) that we fail to be noticed by others. Fear, pressure, and obedience represent at least three of the factors that may drive us into this place.

The good news is this, if you are truly determined to become successful you can break out of the mold or frame that you or others have placed upon you. Have courage to take your own path, forget about the pressure that someone else has placed on you; and obedience, well quite honestly that only brings one thought to my mind. Training a four legged furry creature we know as man’s best friend.

It is unlikely that someone else will make you successful, so only you can make YOU successful.

So I’m asking. Who are YOU?



Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Success and Abundance

Success and abundance have something in common. What one person considers success another may not. Creating abundance may not be different than creating success, it may simply mean creating an oversupply.


Our mind is a powerful tool. As a society many people thrive on the drama, the negativity, and all that is wrong instead of focusing on all that is positive and good. We turn on the news, we check our social media applications, and we listen to friends. Often we hear bad news and we read and hear negative and energy zapping complaints.

Can we train our brain? I believe the answer is yes. Chemical reactions in our brain play a role in how we respond to situations, especially in the areas of happiness and stress. Flood your brain with what you have accomplished, think about it often, refresh and wipe out negatives with positives.

Success, you define it, abundance you create it!