Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Leadership and Risk

Risk taking is one of the most fundamental aspects of leadership, yet sometimes formal leaders are only moderate risk takers. In some regards, true leaders may also have some identity crisis with the rebel stereotype. While this may sound extreme, it often is not too far off. True leaders are willing to take risk.

In our workplaces we may sometimes take a risk as simple as speaking up in a meeting or during a decision making process, in other cases the risk may be much more involved and with serious consequences. Risk in our workplace should be reasonable, calculated, and manageable.

Are you leading?

Find out more about leadership and risk by watching this short video clip:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Risk can advance a group's goals. When the risk of making a "risky contribution" to group-think is removed, ideas will flow more freely. By suspending potentially negative consequences, the leader can enfranchise the othewise reluctant participants to share their views, thoughts, ideas, etc.

    A leader following this straqtegy is himself taking a risk, however, his judgement led him to conclude that HIS risk was managable, acceptable, and would lead to productive endpoints.

    Gil Longwell
    Meeting with Success!
