Saturday, July 11, 2009

Workplace Motivation and Fun

How is the energy at your workplace? Are employee’s motivated? How about teamwork, are groups working together effectively? Keeping employees motivated during these challenging times can be a difficult task. Many organization development experts would likely agree that managing motivation should come from strategic vision and not from a tactical approach.

A tactical approach is more of a “fighting fires” position; we throw something at the problem and see if it fixes it. This sometimes happens in the workplace through a Company picnic, a “fun” staff retreat, or even hired entertainment. While certainly there is a place for many of these activities and likely some benefits, this really only addresses the presenting problem.

A strategic approach would dig a little deeper to discover or analyze the root cause. Many people are quick to tell you that they believe motivation comes from within. If this is true, then each employee needs to discover their own individual motivators. Organizations should consider interventions that allow for individual values and motivators to be explored.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Dennis Wrote..."Many people are quick to tell you that they believe motivation comes from within. If this is true, then each employee needs to discover their own individual motivators."

    While motivation cannot be commanded, it can be elicited. Creating environments where individuals' motivational energies are triggered and directed toward synergistic outcomes would seem to be a logical step when enthusiasm has been drained by external factors.

    Isolating or immunizing employees from the negativity of the world as hawked by the media is not enuf. Regularizing fun retreats turns them into chores. Finding quick, simple, sporadically implemented tools to generate bursts of enthusiasm can be a successful strategy.

    Send everyone in the organization an email...


    In the next ten minutes generate 5 bullet points on how to make your tasks less painful, more productive and more easily implementable.


    There will be winners but no loosers.

    No response is right or wrong

    No more than 2 sentences per bullet point

    Be proud of your not share them!


    All points will be combined and shared w/o attribution.

    **** GO! ***


    in ten minutes send an email follow up...

    STOP...time's up....back to your work that was already in progress.


    You now compile all ideas, send them out to all and ask for a ranking

    Take the 2 highest ranked ideas and ask for implementation strategies (5 bullets)

    ======================= idea originator is the winner...winner gets to decide HOW TO REWARD party, minor league ball game for ALL, ...set a budget and let the winner decide the reward.

    The team picked the winner...the team is the winner...the winner is part of the team. NEW IDEAS EMERGED AT LITTLE OR NO COST


    Meeting with Success LLC
