Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Success and Abundance

Success and abundance have something in common. What one person considers success another may not. Creating abundance may not be different than creating success, it may simply mean creating an oversupply.


Our mind is a powerful tool. As a society many people thrive on the drama, the negativity, and all that is wrong instead of focusing on all that is positive and good. We turn on the news, we check our social media applications, and we listen to friends. Often we hear bad news and we read and hear negative and energy zapping complaints.

Can we train our brain? I believe the answer is yes. Chemical reactions in our brain play a role in how we respond to situations, especially in the areas of happiness and stress. Flood your brain with what you have accomplished, think about it often, refresh and wipe out negatives with positives.

Success, you define it, abundance you create it!



  1. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Good post!

    Curious ... what is the difference between one's mind and one's brain?

    1. Thank you. Mind vs Brain - you have probably caught me in an editorial slip up! In a general sense this is written that the two would be synonymous. However, as I wrote this I was thinking of "state of mind" vs. the technical aspects of brain function. Great catch and great question!

    2. Anonymous11:41 AM

      To me:

      "State of mind" presents our spiritual self.

      Brain suggests our physical self.

      Not a slip at all! Excellent post because this conversation was meant to be. Our minds are one (your-mine-others).

      I believe the mind creates learning opportunities for the brain and the body.

      Spirit then Mind then Body.

      AKA - Thought then Word then Deed.

      Cool! huh???

    3. Very cool! Boom! :)

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Challenge: Write a post having absolutely ONLY POSITIVE references, comparisons, examples, concepts, and ideas. Flood us with ONLY images of Success and Abundance! ...as if this were the only way to live!

    For me, any hint of negative to prove positive is a backward forward dance going no where.

    Use ONLY POSITIVE thoughts, words, images, and expressions... especially postive words.

    As your tag line suggests: come here for positive discussion and motivation. And I do!

    But ...

    I wonder what a such an optimistic, forward looking, strength oriented, hopeful, rose-colored glasses, pollyanish, loving, abundant, harmonious, heart-warming, compassionate, peaceful, tranquil, and joyful message would feel like? If it contained those qualities and feelings I'd certainly be motivated!!!

    I've been working on a research project of manifesting Love and Abundance through only speaking, writing, thinking, feeling, imagining, and living in ways that only bring me what I want! I desire a life of Love and Abundance! That's how I define success as a life filled with only Love and Abundance. Anything else is unacceptable and I pass on it.

    I believe we only know what we know too. So, by flooding us with only the GOOD, you share with us more and more GOOD that we may come to know, experience, and live with from your experiences!

    Think how the world would be if we ONLY lived and experienced life as Positive and Good???

    Consider the challenge. Share only the Good!

    1. Great insights and I admire the research that you are doing! Here is my challenge back to you:

      If I were only posting absolutely positive discussions, how would you know the difference between negative and positive? How would you measure growth? Do we have bad, average, and good? If we have average, there must be a range of experiences. Your thoughts? (Thank you for your great comment!)

    2. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Great questions!

      A) Why would we need to know anything at all that is negative? What ever does not expand life is of no use, not needed.

      B) We think in pictures and words create mental images which we live from. Why plant any seed in our mind that does not move us peacefully forward?

      C) When one's intentions are TRUE only positive direction is needed. Show me the way. Go this way. Do this. Try this. etc.

      D) Why measure growth? Growth is quantative. Life is qualitative. To measure the quality of life one only needs to become aware of their feelings and then ask the following question: How do I feel? If Good; do more. If not good; change.

      E) We all do the best we can at all times (even when measured by others suggesting we can do better; false - because if we could do better we would; we always do the best we can.) Trying to measure personal growth is elusive.

      F) All is Good. Only our perception of life appears to be a range and that is only a perception of how we feel at the moment. Again Life is measured in quality. Widgets in quantity. Life is Good, always.

      G) I read of a tribe of indigenous people who did not know of the word LOST. They never were lost. If I see all people as good I, I'm finding out so is my life.

      H) Try this: Start someone's day off with dark, bad, negative news and then watch how that day unfolds! Or start off someone's day with compliments, affection, and thoughts of success, love, and abundance. Then watch how that day unfolds. I find the later to win hands down, always.

      We measure things. We love life in all forms.

      Thanks for the challenge! Enjoyed it! You are a good teacher.

      Show me the way!

    3. Love your post! So thorough and so much thought! Thanks for sharing your wisdom. So much to think about here!
