Achieving success requires discipline. People often start off great, they are dedicated, enthusiastic and goal oriented. Along the way things sometimes start to change, they get off track, accomplishments fail to reach expectations, they become discouraged and even the smallest success starts to wane and ultimately they give up.
Here is the good news, you can discover more discipline and persevere through five simple steps:
- Recognize and accept the gap between where you are now and where you want to be
- Assess the steps required to close the gap
- Visualize accomplishing each step
- Evaluate progress by measuring accomplishments not short comings
- Be flexible in your approach – make changes as necessary to keep moving forward
Desire to achieve the goal is critical for discipline. If you want something you have to reach for it, often pushing beyond your comfort zone in order to achieve it.
Success is knocking at your door, it arrives via delivery, the driver is discipline.