Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Persistent – Going Beyond Average

We know about averages because we have high performers and low performers. Somewhere near the middle of those two extremes we have the average performers.


People often talk about what could have been, what they knew would work but they never tried, and what they tried but because luck was against them it didn’t work. Let’s face it, not everything will work on the first try, and some things that we try may never work; but successful people are persistent.

Persistence often makes the difference between those that achieve something great and those that settle for mediocrity. While some people may be very happy with being average, many are looking at the top achievers and feeling envy. Those who are average but want to be more are often limited by their focus. Their focus is on being average, not achieving greatness.

If you are an average performer who wants more, stop just doing enough to get by. Being on top doesn’t come easily; persistence and focus make the difference between high achievers and average performers.

Look around – are you average? What are you doing about it?


Monday, August 13, 2012

What You Expect

Do you get what you expect? Sometimes we get exactly what we expect.


Consider the outcomes for persons who may make one of the following statements:

  • I just want to pass the test.
  • I don’t care what I do as long as I have a job.
  • I can’t lose any weight.

Certainly not everyone wants to, or will be, the top performer in any particular situation, but those who strive for more often get more. Their expectations are supported by their efforts, they achieve more or reach a higher standard because they expect more. It is easy to say we want more, or wish we had done better, but often our own expectations guide the level of result that we achieve.

Another look:

  • If I complete all the assigned work and study hard I will get an “A” on the test.
  • If I learn more, work hard, and gain additional experience I will advance to a higher position at work.
  • If I exercise more and avoid my cravings for apple pie I will lose at least 3 pounds this month.

Our expectations condition the outcomes. Positive and results driven thoughts are what make the difference between those who dream of more, and those who achieve more.

Are you getting what you expect?



Monday, August 06, 2012

No Money

Success may sometimes be associated with a collection of money or material objects. Some may believe that the definition of success is wealth, measured by financial resources. This may be true for some, but many people measure success in a much different way. It may be having a family, a modest home, and the ability to earn an honest living. Still others may be striving for personal improvements such as obtaining a college degree, participating in various sports related activities, or making a career shift.


While there may be many factors associated with finding your success the following four I believe are most relevant:

  1. Inspiration
  2. Motivation
  3. Commitment
  4. Persistence

You can summarize these four factors with one word – passion. Money is important, but my belief is that no amount of money can replace true passion.

What is your passion?


Monday, July 30, 2012

Get Moving!

Have you ever tripped, stumbled, or worse – hit the ground?  During the past three weeks I witnessed three different people in three completely different places – hit the ground. There was a little bit of pain, a little bit of embarrassment, but all three immediately were on their way again. Seeing these three separate events seemed very odd to me, but it made me think of an analogy that we may encounter in our lives or careers.


Things don’t always go as we may expect, but if we stumble, if we trip, if we fall we should get back up and continue our pursuit. Many people are dreaming of their success, and while success is different for everyone, we have at least one thing in common – the pursuit. During our pursuit we need to remain focused. When something unexpected happens we need to quickly check for damage, get up, brush off the dirt, and start moving again.

Have you stumbled? Get moving again!


Monday, July 23, 2012

Your Frame – Your Future

We frame pictures. This limits and draws our attention to focus on what is inside that frame. Logically this makes sense, it is what we are trying to achieve. Framing our future is critical for our focus and ultimately for our success. The bad news is that if the frame that we place around our future is too small, we will never discover or accomplish the highest level of success.


Here is the good news – we control the size of our frame. Successful people in business, top performing athletes, and even rock stars never allow their frame to be too narrow. When their current picture is nearing capacity of the frame, they reach for more, they expand the frame. Many top performers develop the attitude that they are most comfortable when they are expanding the frame and feel discomfort when they are operating in the status quo.

Is the size of your frame fluid? Does it flow and expand, or do you get delayed (achieve less) with finding comfort in the status quo?