Thursday, July 12, 2012

When Wishing Isn’t Enough

People sometimes wish, spiritual people sometimes pray, but successful people will find their path regardless of the obstacle. There is nothing wrong with extending a good wish, nothing wrong with prayer, but at the same time there are often forces that are both unknown and uncontrollable that leads you to a different outcome.


Most likely you will not find success in the status quo. There are no secret formulas and no magic potions. When the path develops into something unexpected successful people may wish, and they may pray, but they will definitely face the obstacles head on, take risks, and make the best possible choices.

When your path takes an unexpected turn – what will you do?




  1. Anonymous8:09 AM

    What gives successful people the strength, conviction, and confidence to do what you say they do?

    1. Some people would claim that the answer to your question is - faith. Others would probably claim - hope. I believe to some extent that it is desire that makes the difference. What are your thoughts?

  2. Yes it is desire.... including passion and purpose and unfailing determination. Remember the saying from the famous Brit .... "Never, never, never quit."

    1. So true Mike! I believe in persistence for success! In some cases we may have to shift directions or change or path, but if we truly desire something different we can make it happen. Great thoughts! "never, never, never quit...." YES
